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Whether applications for sub-licences with master licence holders that are in progress or paused will continue to be processed will be up to the licensees themselves. The minister urged sub-licences to contact their relevant master licence holder for further clarification. “Contrary to much speculation, there has been no change whatsoever to the legislation or permissions since the minister publicly announced the drafting of the new legislation last November,” said Jansen. While Jansen said that operators will have the choice of applying for licences through the GCB board or a master licensee, the forthcoming implementation of the LOK means that the former category of licences will not need to be resubmitted. The legal advisor also outlined the new application process for licences after 1 September. She emphasised “the minister is not trying to reinvent the wheel”, so it will not be too dissimilar from the previous process. The first form will be the online gaming application. In this the applicant will be expected to provide an analysis of business operations, including marketing, distribution strategies and growth targets; The second form is the personal declaration. Golden lady casino no deposit bonus 2023.Friedrich Nietzsche. The gambling nasıl industry is estimated to generate approximately US$ 500 billion of net revenue per year worldwide, excluding cash prizes and expenses. Aldığınız skinler, bahis oynamak hesabı için kullanacağınız derilerdir.
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